Friday, January 4, 2008

Old Dog Ways (The Ways of an Old Peruvian Chow Chow)

Old Dog Ways
(The ways of an old Peruvian Chow Chow)

When dogs grow old—(like Jason)
they seem to want to be left alone
(not completely, but some). They want to chew their bones
alone…in peace—; they want to lay down with a gentle-warm wind
(and fall to sleep). They want to get patted on the head,
now and then; drift along in a grassy backyard—, check out
the food bin! And like many people, prefer to be left alone,
with a few—select, good friends!

No: 1998 (9-21-2007); written in Huancayo, Peru on the platform. “Today, Friday, watching old Jason (perhaps seventy), he paces in the back yard, chews his bone, goes to the food bin, by all appearances he has a pretty good life, and he knows it.”
See Video of Jason and Rocco

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